Dear Dentists and Physicians,
Thank you for visiting our website. As you may know, Dental Sleep Medicine is a unique line of dental treatment that requires the expertise of dentistry and close coordination with the patients’ medical physicians. The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) requires additional continuing education and hands-on training to be able to perform these procedures with a Texas Dental License. Additionally, there is significant staff training to process and handle this type of dental prosthesis (which is actually considered a MEDICAL DEVICE when a person has been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea) Treatment of OSA with an FDA-approved prosthesis REQUIRES a signed prescription from a physician. I have dedicated myself to this sub-specialty and look forward to helping you and your patients with this potentially life-changing treatment.
As the recommended treatment for sleep apnea, PAP has many benefits for the patient who is willing and able to use it in a compliant manner. However, you may also have seen that, for some, complying with PAP is a challenge. These patients may be coming back to your office looking for advice and recommendations on alternative treatments. Oral appliance therapy is a proven, effective treatment option for mild to moderate OSA:
Custom-fitted oral appliances can be highly effective in creating and maintaining an open airway during sleep. Oral appliance therapy is supported by AASM practice parameters and clinical guidelines (Mild and Moderate OSA, Non-compliant PAP patients). “AASM recommends that sleep physicians consider prescription of oral appliances, rather than no treatment, for adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea who are intolerant of CPAP therapy or prefer alternate therapy”. JDSM 2015 Guidelines Update. Oral appliance therapy delivers a strong patient compliance rate.
As a referring physician, you will be sent updates on treatment progress or non-compliance. An appliance validation sleep study is highly recommended, therefore, the patient will be referred back to you for an HST or an attended polysomnography.
Dentists, you may refer your patient to us just like you would for any other dental specialty (oral surgery, endodontics, periodontics, etc.). Once your patient has been approved for oral appliance therapy, they will be treated and released back to you to resume regular dental maintenance. If your patient needs dental work prior to oral appliance therapy, you will be contacted with the recommended treatment and the patient will be sent back to you for that treatment.
I am always available to discuss oral appliance therapy, side effects such as TMJ pain, tooth movement, bite changes, or any other pretreatment requirements your patients may need to have prior to this type of therapy.
Sound Asleep Solutions is considered a Durable Medical Equipment supplier (DME). We are Medicare-approved.
Brent Patterson DDS
If you would like to refer a patient to our office,
All we need from your office is a completed Referral Form, a copy of the sleep diagnostic test if applicable, chart notes from face-to-face consultation for Medicare, and referral number if applicable (medical insurance network specific). Please fax these documents or email to
If you wish to learn more about OSA and oral appliance treatment, click here to view supporting research.